
Words, Wisdom, etc.


lauren groff

Even when you think you can’t bear it, you can bear it. – Arcadia, Lauren Groff

Pay attention. Not to the grand gesture, but to the passing breath. – Arcadia, Lauren Groff

Day would not be without night. – Arcadia, Lauren Groff

Stories don’t need to be factual to be vital. – Arcadia, Lauren Groff

It leaves him breathless at times, how much faith people put in one another. – Arcadia, Lauren Groff

This is exactly what makes Arcadia great: this attention to potential, this patience for the individual, the necessary space for the expansion of the soul. – Arcadia, Lauren Groff

He keeps his deepest belief tight to him: that people are good and want to be good, if you only give them a chance. – Arcadia, Lauren Groff

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